Dozen Rosés Wine Bouquet


This dozen rosés wine bouquet includes 12 different rosé wines. Each bottle is equivalent to 1/4 of the size of regular wine bottles, so they make a perfect pour. It makes one of the best Valentine’s Day gifts or Mother’s Day gifts.

Roses are so cliche so upgrade to rosé wines!  Flavors include sauvignon blanc rosé, pinot grigio rosé, raspberry-infused wine, and more. My favorite is the jalepeno-infused rosé. Enjoy your own wine tasting as you enjoy each flavor.

I mean, who doesn’t love a good rosé? It’s like summer in a glass, am I right? And with a dozen different varieties to choose from, you’re practically guaranteed to find your new favorite pink drink.

These babies are sustainably made by my main man Matt Smith. He’s like the Willy Wonka of winemaking, pouring his heart and soul into crafting these eco-friendly beauties. Talk about a guilt-free buzz!

I’m already drunk on anticipation!

Exploring the entire rosé spectrum from bold and spicy to delicately nuanced? Talk about living on the edge! I can only imagine the lengths they went to in order to uncover these hidden vinous gems.

Did they have to repel down treacherous vineyard cliffs to harvest those perfect Sauvignon Blanc grapes for their pale pink masterpiece? Or maybe they wrestled a rogue band of wild boars who dared to threaten their precious spicy rosé vines? The stories these wines could tell, I’m sure, would make even the most seasoned winemakers blush.

So spoil your loved one with a dozen rosés wine bouquet!


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This dozen rosés wine bouquet includes 12 different rosé wines. Each bottle is equivalent to 1/4 of the size of regular wine bottles, so they make a perfect pour. It makes one of the best Valentine’s Day gifts or Mother’s Day gifts.

Roses are so cliche so upgrade to rosé wines!  Flavors include sauvignon blanc rosé, pinot grigio rosé, raspberry-infused wine, and more. My favorite is the jalepeno-infused rosé. Enjoy your own wine tasting as you enjoy each flavor.

I mean, who doesn’t love a good rosé? It’s like summer in a glass, am I right? And with a dozen different varieties to choose from, you’re practically guaranteed to find your new favorite pink drink.

These babies are sustainably made by my main man Matt Smith. He’s like the Willy Wonka of winemaking, pouring his heart and soul into crafting these eco-friendly beauties. Talk about a guilt-free buzz!

I’m already drunk on anticipation!

Exploring the entire rosé spectrum from bold and spicy to delicately nuanced? Talk about living on the edge! I can only imagine the lengths they went to in order to uncover these hidden vinous gems.

Did they have to repel down treacherous vineyard cliffs to harvest those perfect Sauvignon Blanc grapes for their pale pink masterpiece? Or maybe they wrestled a rogue band of wild boars who dared to threaten their precious spicy rosé vines? The stories these wines could tell, I’m sure, would make even the most seasoned winemakers blush.

So spoil your loved one with a dozen rosés wine bouquet!

Dozen Rosés Wine Bouquet
Dozen Rosés Wine Bouquet





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